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South Lake Little League

AAA Local Rules

SLLL AAA Division Ground Rules

The Current Little League Baseball Official Regulations and Playing Rules shall govern the “Playing Rules” for the AAA Division.

1.     Time limit: No new inning after 2 hours. The inning must be completed.

2.     Only 3 board approved coaches or team parent will be allowed in the dugout or on the field during games. There must be a coach or team parent in the dugout when there are player(s) in the dugout.

3.     Home team responsibilities:

a.     Supply game ball.

b.     Keep scorebook.

                                               i.     Home team scorebook is official and must be signed by both managers and umpire.

c.     Provide an umpire for behind the plate (if one is not provided).

                                               i.     Note: Volunteer must have a facemask and umpire pad. Pads and facemasks are available in the boardroom.

d.     Keep pitching affidavit.

                                               i.     Must be signed by both team managers and umpire (if provided).

4.     Away team responsibilities:

a.     Provide scoreboard operator.

b.     Provide concession volunteer.

c.     Provide a base umpire (if one is not provided).

d.     Keep pitching affidavit.

                                               i.     Must be signed by both team managers and umpire (if provided).

5.     Line-up cards must be exchanged between coaches and provided to the umpire and scorebook keeper(s).

6.     Side is retired when,

a.     Three (3) outs are made, or

b.     Maximum runs allowed per inning is reached:

                                               i.     Innings 1-4: Five (5) run maximum.

                                             ii.     Innings 5-6: Maximum of batting through the line-up twice.

7.     Only 9 players may be on the field when on defense.

8.     Continuous batting order will be used.

a.     This means, even if a player is sitting on the bench for defense, they still bat when it is their turn in the line-up.

9.     No on-deck batters.

a.     Only the first batter of each half-inning will be permitted outside the dugout between half-innings. This includes bullpens.

10.  The runner is out when the runner does not slide or attempt to avoid collision with a player that has the ball. Umpire judgment. There is no “must slide rule”.

11.  No headfirst slides when advancing.

a.     Runner may slide headfirst when returning to a base.

12.  Defensive Team:

a.     Coaches will remain in the dugout.

13.  Play is dead when:

a.     Pitcher has controlled possession of ball within two (2) feet of pitching rubber.

14.  Pitch Count Rules/Days of rest apply:

a.     League age specific:

                                               i.     See Little League International Rules for League Age Chart, or

                                             ii.     Visit: > League Info > Local Rules > General Local Rules and Guidelines.

b.     Pitcher to catcher/Catcher to pitcher rules apply:

                                               i.     League age specific:

a)     See Little League International Rules - Regulation VI.

15.  Infield Fly rule will be in effect.

16.  Drop 3rd strike:

a.     NOT in effect.

17.  Lead offs and stealing cannot occur until the ball reaches the front of home plate.

18.  Stealing is allowed from all bases.

19.  Mercy Run Rule is in effect:

a.     A 15-run lead after 3 innings.

b.     A 10-run lead after 4 innings.

c.     A 8-run lead after 5 innings.

Updated 8/2024

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